
Now that your server is ready to go, let's get started on customizing the setup to include your own server name and branding. Here's a list of all the files you need to change to your server name:

We'd recommend using an external editor like Visual Studio Code for editing files, but you can use the built-in editor from your hosting provider as well.

To generate "small text font" seen on our server, use this tool. To generate gradients seen on our server, use this tool.

/plugins/AutomaticBroadcast/broadcasts.yml: Lines 29, 35, 50, 56, 72, 94 -> Replace with your respective vote, store and Discord links


  • welcome.yml -> Line 12: Use the "small text font" generator above to type out your server name.

  • Coins.yml -> Line 24: Replace "store.yourserver.com" with your store name. Again, use the "small text font" generator seen above.


  • vote.yml -> Lines 62, 88, 119, 145, 177, 204, 235, 261, 293, 319, 351, 377. Replace "yourserver.com" with your server vote link.

  • /plugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus/coinshop/:

    • All files in this directory: Replace ѕᴛᴏʀᴇ.ʏᴏᴜʀѕᴇʀᴠᴇʀ.ᴄᴏᴍ with your server store URL.

  • /plugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus/ranks/:

    • All files in this directory: Replace store.yourserver.com with your server store URL.

/plugins/Essentials/custom.txt -> Line 2: Replace discord.gg/nexstudios with your Discord invite link.

/plugins/Essentials/motd.txt -> Line 10: Replace entire line with your server name. Using the gradient generator, put #4498DB as gradient 1, and #5FE2C5 as gradient 2.

/plugins/MiniMOTD/main.conf -> Line 18 & 19: Replace "SERVER NAME" with your server name and change the line2 to whatever you wish to have as the second line of your server MOTD.

/plugins/ServerTutorialPlus/tutorialsaves.yml -> Lines 28, 34 and 313. Change to your server name in the small font.

/plugins/TAB/config.yml -> Lines 6, 7, 95, 111, 114, 130 & 148. Replace with your respective URLs/server name/socials.

/plugins/TAB/animations.yml -> Customise the animations and text seen at the bottom of tab.

Restart your server to apply all of the changes you've made to the configuration files.

Last updated